IEA – IEA Energy Atlas
moreThe IEA is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 29 member countries and beyond. The IEA’s four main areas of focus are: energy security, economic development, environmental awareness, and engagement worldwide Energy Atlas online
Faktencheck Energiewende!
moreIn einer Kooperation zwischen dem Klima- und Energiefonds und Erneuerbare Energie Österreich setzt sich das Argumentationspapier unter dem Motto „Fakten statt Mythen“ intensiv mit jenen Inhalten auseinander, die auch Teil der öffentlichen energie- und klimapolitischen Auseinandersetzung sind. Vom Standortfaktor Klimaschutz und Energiepreisen über die Rolle Europas bis hin zum Jobmotor Energiewende. Faktencheck_klein_final_Download
Unternehmen entdecken!
more2014.09.30_BRO_Unternehmen_entdeckenUnternehmen entdecken 2“ basiert auf dem erfolgreichen Modell des bereits seit 2012 bestehenden Projekts „Unternehmen entdecken“. Als ersten Schritt erhalten hierbei zwei Unternehmen Unterstützung bei der jugendgerechten Neugestaltung ihrer Betriebsbesichtigungen. Inhalt/ Projektbeschreibung Die Führungen sollen einen Beitrag dazu leisten, Jugendliche für technische Lehrberufe zu interessieren. Das Projekt “Unternehmen entdecken 2” ist als Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Unternehmen…
Biomasse und viel Energie – Technologykids besuchen die Biogasanlagen der Firma ROHKRAFT
moreTechnologykids visited ROHKRAFT! Kids learn more about our micronature. A special project cooperation for our future!


Our resources include:
- from our region
- short transportation routes
- generated value in our region
- Encouragement of Biodiversity in agriculture (due to additional plant utilization)

We generate energy and benefits
Intelligent energy utilization in our surrounding region or through a nationwide conjunction

Our energy utilization is ecofriendly, due to the net zero carbon footprint and renewable raw materials.
After generating energy the output is environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, which encourages soil organisms and plants and promotes stable humus structure in the soil.
This is a real sustainable cycle for the benefit of our nature!
Who I am

Board member of the Austrian Biomass Association
Board member of the Austrian Pig Producer Gut Streitdorf eGen
Delegated Strategy Board Member of K1-Centre BIOENERGY 2020+ Area Biogas-technology
We are committed to research
To orientate Energy production and organic cycles close to nature, combining modern technology in one network.


Visit us
Contact info:
+43 2276 / 7001 or

We cultivate our own land and provide for our pigs. The pigs are mainly distributed to local processors. We ensure quality products from Austria to satisfy high consumer demands. The manure of swine feed the biogas unit and produces energy.
- ROHKRAFT provides 8.400 MWh electricity per year to our local power-grid which supplies approximately 2.500 households
- ROHKRAFT supplies a local heating-grid from the inner city of Sitzenberg-Reidling as well as various official buildings in the community (school, kindergarten, municipal offices, grocery) and about 30 households
- the second local heating-grid from ROHKRAFT supplies the business park NÖ-Zentral. A plan is in progress to the first “CO2 –zero emission “ business park
Currently we employ 5 people in our company.
Company History
Karl Pfiel sen. founded swine-farming with cultivation of land and continuous expansion of production
Foundation and Construction from the biogas plants to produce and supply renewable energy ROHKRAFT (Ing. Karl Pfiel GmbH and Rohkraft Martina Pfiel Strom- und Wärmeerzeugungs-GmbH)
Research activities in research networks reNet-Austria and BIOENERGY 2020+